Macron and Scholz at Biden’s side after the blunder – “We all make verbal mistakes”

Two leaders have shown their support for Joe Biden’s latest gaffe of calling Volodymyr Zelensky “President Putin” during his presentation on the NATO stage. French President Emmanuel Macron assured Washington yesterday that US President Joe Biden, who is under intense pressure to withdraw his candidacy for re-election in the November elections, appeared to him to be in total “control”, to be “precise” in the files discussed, whom he “knows well”. “We all make slips,” Mr. Macron assured reporters during a press conference after the session, commenting on an earlier blunder by Mr. Biden, 81, addressing his Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelensky ” president Putin,” before hastening to correct himself. “It has happened to me, and it may happen to me again tomorrow. I would ask for your leniency,” added the French president. And Olaf Scholz supports Biden German Chancellor Olaf Scholz […]
Source: News Beast

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