Maxim Simutkin, director of energy and construction at Intelion Data Systems, believes that the Ministry of Energy’s proposal to move Russian miners to regions with excess capacity is extremely difficult to implement.

According to the candidate of technical sciences, the initiative of the Ministry of Energy to balance the operation of networks in regions with a shortage of energy capacity by relocating miners to other areas is justified, but could result in a disaster for mining companies.

“Mining sites are not only equipment, but also significant infrastructure associated with specific land plots and facilities. Moving the entire infrastructure will cost the same as creating a new site, and technological connection to networks in regions with excess electricity remains one of the main difficulties. Therefore, the relocation of miners is very difficult to implement in practice,” noted Maxim Simutkin.

As for the proposal of the Ministry of Energy to introduce a fourth category of electricity consumers, it should apply only to new participants. For companies already connected to the energy system, renegotiation of contract terms is impossible, and the main risk when switching to the fourth category of energy supply is the lack of guarantees of electricity supply, the expert noted.

“We believe that in general, the proposed measures can help solve the problem of power shortages in certain regions, but their successful implementation requires guarantees from energy companies and regulators,” said the director of energy at Intelion Data Systems.

He concluded that miners should be offered clear conditions on the number and duration of outages in the regions so that they can conduct their activities without losses.

Earlier, Russian Energy Minister Sergei Tsivilev, at a meeting with President Vladimir Putin, said that miners should be prepared to relocate to regions where there is excess energy capacity.