The true crime series “Monsters: Menendez Brothers: Parent Killers” It was the most watched production on Netflix between September 23rd and 30th. The title debuted on the streaming service on the 21st.
The new work of Ryan Murphy recorded 19.5 million views during this period and reached the Top 10 in 89 countries, according to the platform.
The plot was inspired by the case of Menendez brothers, young men from the American elite who murdered their own parents with 12 gunshots in 1989.
Another new feature in the Netflix catalogue, “Nobody Wants” was the second most watched English-language series of the week. The romance with Adam Brody and Kristen Bell had 10.3 million views. The production premiered on September 26th.
In the plot, Joanne, an agnostic podcast host, and Noah, an unconventional rabbi who has just ended a relationship, meet at a party. They leave together and, despite their differences, realize that they can get along very well. But also very bad, because everyone has a different way of looking at life.
Menendez brothers: what is true and what is invented in the Monsters series
See also: what’s coming to streaming in October
This content was originally published in “Monsters”: series about the Menendez brothers is the most viewed of the week on Netflix on the CNN Brasil website.
Source: CNN Brasil
I’m Robert Neff, a professional writer and editor. I specialize in the entertainment section, providing up-to-date coverage on the latest developments in film, television and music. My work has been featured on World Stock Market and other prominent publications.