Rescue workers in Nepal battled through torrential rains to retrieve bodies from the wreckage of houses buried in a landslide that killed 22 and injured 10 people, officials said on Sunday.
The latest calamity occurred in the district of Achham, about 450 km west of the capital of Kathmandu. Flash floods and landslides are a common occurrence in the mountainous terrain of the Himalayas, especially during the annual monsoon rains between June and September.
At least 70 people have died and 13 have disappeared across the country in floods and landslides this year, according to official figures.
Volunteers, police and military first responders were looking for missing persons in Achham. In the neighboring district of Kailali, authorities recovered the body of a fisherman who had been swept away by the overflowing Geta River.
Yagya Raj Joshi, an official in Kailali, said about 1,500 people were displaced from their homes by the flooding and ended up being housed in public buildings.
Local media broadcast images of farmland areas inundated by floodwaters, a destroyed suspension bridge and villagers crossing chest-deep water.
Source: CNN Brasil

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