A declassified version of the latest US defense intelligence report on UFOs — renamed in official government parlance as “Unidentified Aerial Phenomena” — is expected to be released in the coming days.
But UFO enthusiasts who expect the government to dismiss any of the hundreds of US military sightings as visits by extraterrestrial spacecraft are likely to be disappointed.
The latest incidents under review are attributed to a mix of foreign surveillance, including relatively common drone flights and aerial confusion such as weather balloons, the New York Times reported last week, citing US officials familiar with classified analysis that was supposed to be delivered to Congress on Monday (31).
Many of an older set of unexplained aerial phenomena, or UAPs, are still officially classified as unexplained, with little data analysis to draw conclusions, the Times said.
“There is no single explanation that addresses most UAP reports,” Defense Department spokeswoman Sue Gough said in a statement this week. “We are collecting as much data as we can, following the data where it leads, and we will share our findings whenever possible.”
She said the US government must be careful to avoid revealing to foreign adversaries “confidential information” about what US intelligence knows about its surveillance operations and how that information is known.
It remains to be seen what the UAP report says, if anything, about whether any of the phenomena may be of alien origin or even some sort of highly advanced hypersonic spycraft piloted by alien adversaries.
A spokesperson for the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), the agency responsible for submitting UAP assessments to Capitol Hill, declined to comment on the report’s contents.
The intelligence office conducts its analysis in conjunction with a newly created Pentagon office known as AARO, short for All Domain Anomaly Resolution Office.
The first defense intelligence UAP report to Congress in June 2021 analyzed 144 sightings of US military aviators since 2004, most documented with various instruments.
That study attributed one incident to a large, empty balloon, but found that the rest is beyond the government’s ability to explain without further analysis.
Senior defense intelligence officials testified to Congress in May of this year that the number of UFOs officially cataloged by the newly formed Pentagon task force had grown to 400.
At that time, they said analysts had no evidence suggesting that any of the sightings were of alien spacecraft, but most UAP reports remained unresolved.
Among them were videos released by the Pentagon of enigmatic objects in the air observed by Navy pilots exhibiting speed and maneuverability that exceed known aviation technology and lack visible means of propulsion or flight control surfaces.
“In many cases, observed phenomena are classified as ‘unidentified’ simply because the sensors were not able to collect enough information to make a positive attribution,” said Gough. “We are working to mitigate these deficits in the future and to ensure that we have enough data for our analysis.”
The next release of the Pentagon’s latest assessment comes after an unprecedented panel organized by NASA opened a separate side study on Oct. 24 of unclassified UFO sighting data from the civilian government and commercial sectors.
Source: CNN Brasil

I’m James Harper, a highly experienced and accomplished news writer for World Stock Market. I have been writing in the Politics section of the website for over five years, providing readers with up-to-date and insightful information about current events in politics. My work is widely read and respected by many industry professionals as well as laymen.