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Outlook 4.2140.0

Outlook Is a free email application that allows you to view emails and attachments, calendar and contacts wherever you are. Outlook automatically collects important emails from all your mail accounts. Swipe to quickly delete, archive, send, or schedule a message you want to handle later. Easily view your calendar, share available time and schedule meetings. Attach files from messages, OneDrive or Dropbox with just a few taps.

Outlook works with Microsoft Exchange, Office 365, Outlook.com (including Hotmail, MSN), Gmail, Yahoo Mail, and iCloud.

Key features:

Inbox management

  • Outlook will automatically sort your inbox for you, highlighting your most important messages. Less important ones are placed in the “Other” section.
  • Swipe to quickly delete, archive, send or schedule a message.
  • Scheduling emails – they will come back to you in your inbox later.

Built-in calendar

  • Switching between calendar and email apps is now a thing of the past. Outlook includes your calendar and notifies you of appointments.
  • Find free time for meetings and exchange them by mail or through the meeting schedule.

Simplified file attachment

  • View and attach any files from your mail accounts, OneDrive, Dropbox and more with just a few taps.
  • Send large files even if you haven’t downloaded them to your phone.

Operational search

  • Select unread, marked or messages with attachments with one touch.
  • Quickly find the messages, people and files you want – just a few letters.
  • Outlook shows you the people you chat with most and gives you the ability to conveniently view all related emails, meetings, and files.

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