Pelotas declares public calamity due to floods

The mayor of Pelotas (RS), Paula Mascarenhas, signed this Monday (13), decree 6.871/24, which declares a state of calamity in Pelotas due to the heavy rains that hit the city and had at least 2 thousand people from her houses.

The officialization of the document gives the municipality access to assistance and recovery resources, as well as making it possible for the Pelotas community to withdraw the Guarantee Fund (FGTS), according to the city hall.

The State of Rio Grande do Sul had already included Pelotas in the calamity situation, but we needed to have the municipal declaration to have access to public resources, also benefiting the affected people who had to leave their homes and will be able to withdraw the Guarantee Fund . It is a necessary document, which will be very important for our city. We are in a moment of great apprehension, monitoring the advance and retreat of the waters 24 hours a day.

Paula Mascarenhas, mayor of Pelotas (RS)

According to the Civil Defense report released this Monday morning (13), 147 people have died as a result of the rains that have hit Rio Grande do Sul since last week. The number of affected municipalities remains at 447.

Other decrees

In addition to this, two other decrees were signed due to the floods: Decree 6,873/202 and Decree 6,874/2024. This first must be published this Tuesday (14) and establishes, for example, the suspension of classes in urban and rural areas until May 20th, administrative procedural deadlines and events in public spaces for a period of ten days. The document also refers to municipal employees who needed to leave their homes and are sheltered in public shelters run by the Municipality or civil society, until the 30th of this month.

As informed by the city hall, Decree 6,874/2024 regulates donations relating to the impacts caused by rising waters and flooding in the municipality of Pelotas. A pix key – was made official for official donations that will be used exclusively in assistance and response to those affected by climate adversities.

São Gonçalo Canal reaches historic quota

The São Gonçalo channel reached a level of 2.88 meters, on Sunday night (13), the same level as the historic flood that affected Pelotas in 1941. The trend, according to experts from the Federal University of Pelotas (UFPel) who working in the Situation Room of the 9th BIMtz, is that the number exceeds the record.

The city hall has drawn up a map and asks people in risk areas to leave their homes immediately to facilitate rescue work by fire crews in the event of a flood.

Source: CNN Brasil

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