The Federal Police red-handedly arrested a candidate who was taking part in the public exam for the unified Superior Electoral Court (TSE), held this Sunday (8), in Recife (PE). The arrest took place because the 31-year-old man had an electronic point in his ear.
According to the PF, the candidate even tried to flee the scene with the question book, but was restrained and arrested.
The prisoner works as a social counselor in the municipality of Catende, in the Zona da Mata Sul of the state. His name was not released.
The Federal Police say they will continue with the investigation to identify others involved in the scheme.
The accused is initially responsible for the crime of fraud in a public interest event, which provides for a prison sentence of one to four years and a fine, plus 1/3 because he is a public official.
The Unified Public Competition for Electoral Justice offers 412 vacancies, distributed among 26 regional electoral courts (TREs) and the Superior Electoral Court (TSE). Of the total vacancies, 126 are for the position of judicial analyst and 286 for the position of judicial technician. There will also be the formation of a reserve register.
This content was originally published in PF arrests man with electronic point during TSE contest in Recife on the CNN Brasil website.
Source: CNN Brasil

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