PRF seizes a load of 4 tons of unrefrigerated cheese in Pernambuco

Four tons of cheese transported irregularly were seized by the Federal Highway Police (PRF) on BR-423, in Garanhuns, in Agreste de Pernambuco.

During an inspection, the police discovered that 3.5 tons of mozzarella cheese and 600 kilos of butter cheese were being transported without adequate refrigeration conditions and without the necessary documentation for commercialization. The incident occurred on Monday night (25).

According to the PRF, the products were covered in boxes used to transport fruit and were transported without any adequate refrigeration conditions. The cargo originated in the city of Nossa Senhora da Glória, in Sergipe, and would be taken to Campina Grande, in Paraíba, covering around 550 kilometers.

Some of the seized merchandise did not have the necessary certifications for commercialization. After the incident, the Pernambuco Agricultural Defense and Inspection Agency (Adagro) was called to monitor the case. The agency issued a fine to the company responsible for the cargo, while the driver of the vehicle was released.

According to the PRF, the irregular transportation of food compromises public health, especially in cases involving dairy products that require adequate conservation to prevent the proliferation of bacteria and other contaminating agents.

This content was originally published in PRF seizes cargo of 4 tons of unrefrigerated cheese in Pernambuco on the CNN Brasil website.

Source: CNN Brasil

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