The storm that hit the metropolitan region of São Paulo on Friday afternoon (24) affected at least six lines of the metro rail system.
At around 5pm, line 12-sapphire of the Companhia Paulista de Trens Metropolitanos (CPTM) was completely paralyzed, while line 10-turquoise was in partial operation. Two other train lines had partial stoppages: the 7-rubi and the 8-diamante, but, according to the operating companies, the situation has now returned to normal.
In the subway, the lines affected were 1-blue and 2-green. Line 1-blue had points of flooding. For this reason, the Tucuruvi and Jardim São Paulo stations are not working. The Paese system was activated.
See the current situation:
— Line 7-ruby: normal operation
— Line 8-diamond: normal operation
— Line 9-emerald: normal operation
— Line 10-turquoise: PARTIAL OPERATION
Circulation interrupted between Brás and Mooca stations.
— Line 11-coral: normal operation
— Line 12-sapphire: TOTALLY PARALYZED
— Line 13-jade: normal operation
(Updated at 5:13 p.m.)
— Line 1-blue: normal operation
— Line 2-green: normal operation
— Line 3-red: normal operation
— Line 4-yellow: normal operation
— Line 5-lilac: normal operation
— Line 15-silver: normal operation
(Updated at 5:13 p.m.)
This content was originally published in Rain in SP causes stoppages and delays in trains and subways; see the situation on the CNN Brasil website.
Source: CNN Brasil

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