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Renata Polverini, the denial of the flirtation with Luca Lotti: “Great laughs”

Renata Polverini, former president of the Lazio Region, has turned his back on Forza Italia, to support Giuseppe Conte in forming a new majority. “There was a time when I recognized myself in the values ​​of a liberal right. Today, I don’t recognize myself in the sovereign right, ”explained Giovanni Floris’ guest, shortly before Dagospia launched an indiscretion, halfway between politics and gossip.

Polverini, according to gossip, would be the companion of Luca Lotti, former minister and undersecretary of the Renzi government. “Between the two, a relationship,” wrote the site, immediately denied by those directly involved. «Ho just heard Luca and we had a laugh. And I said to him, “My dear, anyway I look great with this thing that I would be your girlfriend. You are young and beautiful “”, Polverini told al Messenger, explaining how “It is not true that we are together, they put these things around because by now politics for many is just gossip and attempts to tarnish ».

The former force man said he had with Lotti a relationship of friendship, often resulted in professional confrontation. «I speak with him about politics but not only with him. I have several friends in the Democratic Party. I wrote a message to Luca ten minutes before voting for confidence: I decided, I support the government “, said Polverini, telling how” When the Papeete crisis came, we discussed how we could somehow find a solution. And since then we have begun to talk, to confront. With him and with others. I have always known Zingaretti, and even before I was president of Lazio. And with Nicola the relationship was and is excellent ».

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