Tag: budget

Έ. Ahtsioglou: ‘Government is watering the money trees of notoriety’

Έ. Ahtsioglou: ‘Government is watering the money trees of notoriety’ Έ.  Ahtsioglou: ‘Government is watering the money trees of notoriety’

“The government is watering the money trees of notoriety” said in her position the head of Finance of SYRIZA-PS, Efi Ahtsioglou. The government “blames everyone else for money trees, but it irrigates the money trees of notoriety”, he said, noting that “the government’s economic policy is out of place and time, completely ignores the needs […]

Th. Skylakakis for supplementary budget: There was no ‘Calchas’ that predicted the war

Th. Skylakakis for supplementary budget: There was no ‘Calchas’ that predicted the war Th. Skylakakis for supplementary budget: There was no ‘Calchas’ that predicted the war

We predicted the pandemic, but we did not predict the war, nor could we, said Deputy Finance Minister Theodoros Skylakakis, developing the government’s amendment to the supplementary budget of 2.6 billion euros, which was submitted to the bill in which incorporates in Greek legislation, a series of European directives. We would not do it, we […]

Parliament: The additional budget of 2.6 billion euros will be introduced for voting in the plenary on Thursday

Parliament: The additional budget of 2.6 billion euros will be introduced for voting in the plenary on Thursday Parliament: The additional budget of 2.6 billion euros will be introduced for voting in the plenary on Thursday

Next Thursday (14/4/2022) the additional budget of 2.6 billion euros will be introduced for voting in the plenary session of the Parliament. Last night, it was introduced in Parliament in the form of an amendment to a bill of the Ministry of Finance, which incorporates a series of European directives. The bill is being drafted, […]

In Parliament, the supplementary Expenditure Budget of 2.6 billion euros

In Parliament, the supplementary Expenditure Budget of 2.6 billion euros In Parliament, the supplementary Expenditure Budget of 2.6 billion euros

By Tasos Dasopoulos The additional Budget for the expenditures submitted to the Parliament late Friday night by the Ministry of Finance reaches 2.6 billion euros. Specifically, the amendment of the Ministry of Finance submitted to the Parliament provides for the expansion by 2 billion euros of the General Government Expenditure Budget managed by the Ministry […]

Chr. Staikouras: Within the week the additional budget of 2 billion euros

Chr. Staikouras: Within the week the additional budget of 2 billion euros Chr.  Staikouras: Within the week the additional budget of 2 billion euros

The additional budget of 2 billion euros will be submitted by the Ministry of Finance within the week, in order to continue the support to households and businesses. On the one hand, by implementing the additional measures that were recently announced, and on the other hand, by keeping “supplies” for later, since today no one […]

The budget is being rewritten due to the crisis

The budget is being rewritten due to the crisis The budget is being rewritten due to the crisis

By Tasos Dasopoulos The 2022 budget that will be submitted at the end of April in Brussels by the Ministry of Finance through the revised Stability and Development Program (PSA) 2022 -2025 will be completely changed. But before the completion of the new stability program, YPOIK will make the first move next week, expanding the […]

VAT and income increased by 526 million euros in January-February revenues

VAT and income increased by 526 million euros in January-February revenues VAT and income increased by 526 million euros in January-February revenues

LAST UPDATE: 13.10 By Tasos Dasopoulos VAT, VAT and income increased by 526 million euros tax revenues for the first two months of the year, after the initial easing of restrictive measures in January, aimed at reducing the pandemic. In particular, the net revenue of the state budget amounted to 8,853 million euros, showing a […]

Post-memorandum surveillance ends but ‘accuracy crisis’ deepens

Post-memorandum surveillance ends but ‘accuracy crisis’ deepens Post-memorandum surveillance ends but ‘accuracy crisis’ deepens

By Tasos Dasopoulos At the beginning of April, the remaining 1.9 billion euros to the IMF and the first installment of 2.65 billion euros of the bilateral loan of the first memorandum will be finally repaid in the midst of a very bad situation, which is composed of high inflation and the consequences from the […]

How much the new support measures push the budget

How much the new support measures push the budget How much the new support measures push the budget

By Tasos Dasopoulos It will be more and more difficult after April to cover the support for accuracy, since despite the fact that the cash resources now reach 41 billion euros, the budget margins are becoming smaller and smaller. This seemingly oxymoronic scheme is explained as follows: Greece has managed to have one of the […]

Immediate support measures are brought by the excess of revenues by 887 million euros

Immediate support measures are brought by the excess of revenues by 887 million euros Immediate support measures are brought by the excess of revenues by 887 million euros

of Tasos Dasopoulos The increased tax revenues by 887 million euros in the two months of January-February lock the support measures for vulnerable households that are expected to be announced tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. For February alone, the tax revenue exceeded 473 million euros, mainly due to the additional revenue from road tax […]