Cyber ​​security

Government: SYRIZA had allowed cyber security to fall into an untenable state

Government: SYRIZA had allowed cyber security to fall into an untenable state

"Against all forms of conspiracies, leveling party logic and common slander, we respond in the most reliable way there is:…

Why are cyber security deals on the rise?

In addition to opportunities, the digital transformation brings new threats to the public, businesses and individuals, which will increase the…

ECA: EU institutions need to step up cyber security preparedness

The number of cyber attacks on EU institutions is growing rapidly. The degree of preparedness of these instruments in the…

PwC: Companies may overlook major cybersecurity risks

Most companies do not adequately manage cybersecurity risks and come from third parties, as these risks are overshadowed by the…

Britain: The country’s Foreign Ministry became the target of a serious cyber attack

The British Foreign Office was the target of a serious cyber attack earlier this year, according to public offer documents…