There are those who think of everything months in advance and those who have made the last minute their philosophy. In short, when it comes to vacation planning, everyone experiences it differently. What category do you belong to?
The very idea of reducing yourself at the last minute terrifies you, as only Christmas lunch with meddlesome relatives is capable of. Read all the reviews of the hotels you can find online, get a tourist guide, prepare an excel file in which you list the possible activities to be carried out (strictly divided by category) and you spend on in-depth research on restaurants in the area. In short, you do not leave out any details in the hope that everything goes smoothly. Impossible, of course, because there is no holiday without unexpected events. And that’s okay after all.
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Vacation planning is not your thing, so you leave it to others to think of everything for you. Yes, here, let’s say it bluntly: you totally wash your hands. There’s nothing wrong with that, as long as you at least have the decency to make other people’s decisions go smoothly. If, on the other hand, you don’t contribute in any way to the organization, but still have the audacity to complain… well, maybe next time there won’t be anyone willing to go on vacation with you.
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Source: Vanity Fair

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