The Housing Law, about to blow up: Ábalos refuses to limit rents and Podemos reminds him that “what has been agreed is mandatory”

Negotiations on the future Housing Law are on the verge of being blown up by the declarations of the Minister of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda, Josà © Luis Ãbalos, in which he refuses to limit the price of rents, thus breaching the agreement reached by the PSOE with its government partner, Unidas Podemos.

“We believe that it is more positive and more effective to promote than to impose and it seems to us that there are elements and that is what we are working on, to bring homes to the market and to do so at an affordable price, through incentives, “said à ?? balos in an appearance from the headquarters of the Socialist Party in Madrid. “Obviously the [incentivos] more recurrent in this case are the prosecutors, but there may also be other measures that do not [sean] impose, “he added.

These words could blow up negotiations that should have concluded on February 19 with the new rule on the table and that, however, have been stuck for weeks. The Ministry of Transport itself decided to freeze the dialogue until after the Catalan elections of February 14 and the words of à balos this Monday give a twist to the established script and they could force the president, Pedro Sánchez, to intervene, and the second vice president, Pablo Iglesias.

It has already happened with other points of friction between both formations and sources familiar with the negotiations do not rule it out at this time. The bridges are practically broken.

So far, the only reaction from United We Can has been a tweet from the Secretary of State for Agenda 2030, Ione Grass, who leads Pablo Iglesias’ team at the negotiating table. “In order to comply with what was agreed in the coalition government agreement between UP and PSOE, both formations have agreed to regulate the containment of rental income in the Housing Law. The agreement requires it,” Belarra wrote on the social network.

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