Turkey demands extradition of 33 members of PKK and Gulen network from Sweden – Finland


Turkey will ask Sweden and Finland to extradite 33 members of the PKK and the Hizmet network of self-exiled Turkish Islamist preacher Fethullah Gulen (known in Turkey as the “Fetullahist Terrorist Organization”). “Terrorist,” Turkish Justice Minister Bekir Bozdag said.

The request comes the day after a memorandum was signed between the three countries paving the way for Sweden and Finland to join NATO.

“Under the new agreement, we will ask Finland to extradite six PKK members and six Fetö members. And Sweden to extradite ten Fetö members and eleven PKK members,” he said, according to Turkish media. information.

The Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) is considered a terrorist organization by Ankara and its Western allies.

And Fethullah Gülen, who was for many years an ideological and political ally of Tayyip Erdo .an. He lives in the United States and Erdogan says he blames him, among other things, for the failed 2016 coup attempt.

Source: AMPE

Source: Capital

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