Understand how meat contaminated by RS floods was sold in RJ

The Consumer Delegation (Decon) of the Civil Police of Rio de Janeiro identified one of the slaughterhouses that purchased meat unfit for consumption from a company in Rio de Janeiro that was being investigated for “makeup” the contaminated food while it was submerged during the floods in Rio Grande do Sul, in May. 2024.

This meat, which should have been discarded, underwent a transformation to make it appear fit for consumption and was sold in several Brazilian states, including Rio de Janeiro and Minas Gerais.

According to PC investigations, the company’s partners purchased 800 tons of beef that were underwater, during the floods in Porto Alegre-RS, for around R$0.97 per kilo. Then, the meat was treated to hide signs of spoilage, such as color and smell.

After this “makeup”, the contaminated meat was sold to companies in different states, which also resold it to markets and wholesalers, such as a meat wholesaler in Contagem-MG who purchased 15 tons of the spoiled food.

Four people were arrested last Wednesday (22) during an operation by the Rio Civil Police, in conjunction with the Rio Grande do Sul Consumer Police Station, which carried out eight search and seizure warrants at addresses linked to those investigated in Três Rios. , municipality in the Central-South Region of Rio de Janeiro.

“That deterioration caused by the mud and water, which accumulated in the refrigerator and throughout the city of the capital of Rio Grande do Sul, left some deleterious effects. These effects were removed, as I said, with makeup, for resale”, said delegate Wellington Pereira Vieira.

The accused company made a 1000% profit from the sale of the contaminated meat.

According to the company that purchased and resold the meat from the floods, the intention of the purchase was to manufacture animal feed.

This content was originally published in Understand how meat contaminated by the RS floods was sold in RJ on the CNN Brasil website.

Source: CNN Brasil

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