US: Killed two more high-ranking ISIS operatives with UAV strike in Syria

A few hours after a raid by the special forces of USAthe US military announced that the operation carried out in Syria resulted in the killing of two high-ranking members of the jihadist organization Islamic state.

“US (armed) forces conducted a successful airstrike in northern Syria yesterday Thursday (6/10), killing Abu Hashum al-Umawi and another IS operative”said a press release from USCENTCOM (“Central Command”, joint headquarters of the US military responsible for the Middle East region).

“This blow will reduce the ability of IS to destabilize the region and harm our forces and our partners”commented Gen. Michael Kurila, the head of CENTCOM.

The US military also assured that, according to the information available to it, “no civilians were killed or injured” in the bombing, which was carried out by a remote-controlled drone.

Earlier, the same img announced that American forces had killed another IS operative, in a raid by members of the American Special Forces with helicopters in northeastern Syria, in an area controlled by government forces, as far as is known without informing Damascus, which characterizes the action of the US military on its territory illegal.

The US continues to target leaders of the jihadist group, which, despite defeats suffered in 2017 in Iraq and 2019 in Syria, continues to carry out bloody attacks in both countries.

Source: News Beast

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