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Viih Tube, 6 months pregnant, shows off her belly in a photo shoot; see photos

The digital influencer and ex-BBB Viih Tube showed off her pregnant belly in a photo shoot published on social media on Saturday afternoon (10). She has been pregnant with her second child, who will be called Ravi, for six months, a period in which she has been showing her routine to her followers on digital platforms.

“Twenty-five weeks with you, my son. I’m so happy and excited to meet you,” she wrote in the caption of the post.

Recently, Viih Tube spoke again about whether she intends to get pregnant for the third time after the birth of Ravi. What was previously certain for her and her husband, also a former BBB Eliezer do Carmo now it’s a question. The influencer has also said that she is considering adopting other children so that she doesn’t have to get pregnant again.

Among the routine points that she shares on social media, Viih Tube usually talks about the changes in her body and her mood.

Source: CNN Brasil

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