Wanessa Camargo's team speaks out after disqualification at BBB24

After the singer Wanessa Camargo be disqualified from Big Brother Brasil (BBB) ​​24 , the singer's team used her social media profile to comment on what happened. The publication was made this Saturday afternoon (02).

Wanessa was disqualified from the reality show after breaking the rules by attacking Davi. This Saturday morning, she was called to the confessional.

Afterwards, participants heard instructions to gather Wanessa's belongings as she was no longer in the house.

On social media, the team responsible for managing the singer's profile spoke out. “Unfortunately the game ended today for Wanessa, due to circumstances that no one expected to happen”, begins the text.

“Now is the time to take care of Wan, who at the right time will be able to speak for herself about this experience”, he concludes.

So far, Wanessa Camargo herself has not yet spoken out.

Check out the publication made by Wanessa Camargo's team about the disqualification from BBB24:

Source: CNN Brasil

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