Before being disqualified from Big Brother Brazil (BBB) 2024 , Wanessa Camargo made his last appearance in the confessional. This Saturday morning (02), she entered the X-Ray and talked about the party that happened the night before.
Wanessa Camargo was disqualified this Saturday afternoon. The expulsion occurred after she broke the rules and attacked Davi.
Davi, in turn, reported in Radio X that he felt disrespected by Wanessa Camargo. After the party, she entered the room where Davi was sleeping and tried to wake him up – which made her hit her brother's foot. “As much as it was unintentional, I felt attacked, yes,” said Davi.
In her session in the confessional, Wanessa Camargo only spoke about the party.
“Sometimes, you need to let something go, okay, guys?”, said the singer when talking about how she feels at parties. “You have no idea the pressure, the pressure we feel in here and everything we experience.”
“So, sometimes, you need to let something go and I’m doing that at parties”, he explained. “Because that’s where I alleviate everything, I laugh, I play and that’s it.”
Source: CNN Brasil

I’m Robert Neff, a professional writer and editor. I specialize in the entertainment section, providing up-to-date coverage on the latest developments in film, television and music. My work has been featured on World Stock Market and other prominent publications.