We cannot have a setback in education “in any way”, expert tells CNN

Brazil has returned to its pre-pandemic learning level of 2019, as revealed by the results of the Basic Education Development Index (Ideb).

Priscila Cruz, executive president of Todos Pela Educação, in an interview with CNN Prime Time expressed concern about these data, highlighting educational stagnation in an increasingly complex world.

According to Cruz, only the beginning of elementary education reached the established target, with progress considered timid by the specialist.

“It’s a shame that we have made so little progress, despite so many policies related to improving literacy and expanding comprehensive education,” he lamented.

Regional advances and setbacks

Despite the worrying general scenario, some states have shown significant improvements. Cruz cited important advances in Pará, Goiás, Amapá and Alagoas.

“We have some good examples here that should be the beacons of Brazilian education,” he stated.

On the other hand, populous states such as São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro recorded significant drops.

The expert emphasized the need to analyze beyond national averages, celebrating advances and learning from them, while raising awareness of setbacks.

Challenges in policy implementation

Cruz highlighted that the main challenge is not in the formulation of educational policies, but rather in their effective implementation.

“What we need to do is greatly improve the implementation of these policies,” he explained, highlighting the importance of transforming decisions into practices that result in better learning for students.

Teacher training was highlighted as a crucial point for improving education in the country.

“There is no way, there is no magic. What can really help us expand the limits of educational results in Brazil is the work of teachers,” Cruz emphasized.

The expert concluded by stating that it is necessary to make teacher training “the great obsession” of federal, state and municipal administrations, improving both initial and ongoing training, to guarantee excellent work in the classroom.

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Source: CNN Brasil

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