In an interview with CNN this Tuesday (7), Daniel Soranz, Municipal Health Secretary of Rio de Janeiro, stated that New Year’s Eve in the capital of Rio de Janeiro will not be completed this year; the traditional Copacabana New Year was canceled due to precaution with the new Ômicron variant of the coronavirus.
However, the city and the state government of Rio de Janeiro are still discussing a way for the celebration not to be canceled altogether.
“We won’t have a stage with music, with that grandeur, that’s very sad, we won’t be able to make a complete New Year’s Eve. We will assess with the state government what we can do safely; the event with shows and stages was cancelled, we are evaluating what is possible to do”, he said. Soranz.
The secretary highlighted that Rio de Janeiro has “a very favorable epidemiological panorama”, but he also reiterated his concern with the presence of a new variant.
“We want to keep the epidemiological scenario low, for that some things are necessary, the first thing is the vaccine passport. Rio de Janeiro issued a decree in which people staying in the city must present their vaccination card. Another point is to continue encouraging the population of Rio to continue to be vaccinated. These situations are important for us to maintain the panorama”, he stated.
Faced with speculation about the turn of the year in Rio de Janeiro, Governor Cláudio Castro did not want to define the situation, he reaffirmed that the issue will still be discussed with the scientific committees, but that the final decision is his and the Mayor Eduardo Breads. The statement was given this Tuesday (7).
Mayor and governor seem to agree on at least one issue: the holding of fireworks in Copacabana and other central points of the city.
“We are now waiting for a consensus between the scientific committees and the State Health Department so that we can see what is still possible to be done on New Year’s Eve. We have already released the private parties, using the vaccination passport, and we are now waiting for these meetings to work out the details of Copacabana’s New Year’s Eve as well,” said Daniel Soranz to CNN.
Reference: CNN Brasil