Operation Integration, launched by the Civil Police of Pernambuco on Wednesday morning (4), was responsible for 19 arrest warrants and 24 search and seizure warrants in 5 states. This resulted in the freezing of financial assets worth more than R$2 billion from the targets of the police action.
The operation aims to prevent money laundering and illegal gambling. According to investigators, a criminal organization under investigation is believed to have moved R$3 billion from illegal gambling.
Among the targets of the operation is lawyer and digital influencer Deolane Bezerra, who was arrested at a family home in the southern part of Recife. The influencer’s mother was also detained. The company Esportes da Sorte is also being investigated in the operation.
Deolane spent the night at the Recife Women’s Penal Colony. She will have a custody hearing in court this Thursday.
About the investigations
According to investigators, the criminal organization under investigation is believed to have moved R$3 billion from illegal gambling. According to authorities, the investigation began in December 2022, after the seizure of approximately R$180 thousand. Since then, the operation has been expanding the range of information and data collected, culminating in today’s action.
Around 170 agents took to the streets of the cities of Recife (PE), Campina Grande (PB), Barueri (SP), Cascavel (PR), Curitiba (PR) and Goiânia (GO). The investigation was supported by the Financial Activities Control Council (COAF) and the International Criminal Police Organization, Interpol.
The officer responsible for the operation, Renato Rocha, explained that the money laundering scheme is divided into three phases: placement, concealment and integration of money into the assets of those involved. The current phase of the operation, called “Integration”, aims to combat precisely this last stage. He spoke at the CNN Behind the Scenes about the investigations and explained the operation that arrested Deolane Bezerra. Check it out .
Seized goods
According to the police, 11 Rolex watches, jewelry and boats were also among the seized goods. A helicopter, jewelry and wines valued at around R$2,000 were also found with the targets.
An aircraft was seized in the city of Jundiaí, in the interior of São Paulo. The plane is registered in the name of the company Balada Eventos e Produções LTDA. The company’s partner is singer Gusttavo Lima.
According to the registration with the National Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC), the Cessna 560XLS aircraft carries up to 9 passengers and operates in private air services, and cannot operate air taxis.
Although Gusttavo Lima’s company is listed as the owner of the aircraft, the operation of the jet, according to ANAC, is the responsibility of the company JMJ Participações. In a note sent to CNN lawyer Cláudio Bessas, who represents Balada Eventos, reported that the plane was sold “through a purchase and sale agreement, duly registered with RAB-ANAC to the company JMJ Participações”.
At a press conference, the general delegate of the state’s Civil Police, Renato Rocha, stated that at least one suspect is on the run.
“It is a very large seizure, in just one target we found 11 Rolex watches. The investigation began with a seizure of R$180,000 in December 2022,” he added.
Positioning of those investigated
In a statement, the company Esportes da Sorte said that it had not had access to the investigation records to date.
“Esportes da Sorte reaffirms its commitment to the truth, responsible gaming and, above all, compliance with all its legal obligations. Our doors are open to present documents, clarify doubts and provide unrestricted support to any investigative action.”the statement says.
The sister of influencer Deolane Bezerra took to social media to speak out about Deolane’s arrest. Fellow influencer Dayane Bezerra posted a series of videos in which she says that “we will prove once again the innocence of our sister and our mother.”
The lawyer’s mother, Solange Alves, was also arrested. The two suspects were taken to the headquarters of the Department for the Repression of Property Crimes (Depatri), in the west zone of the capital of Pernambuco. CNN found that, at the time of her arrest, Solange felt unwell and was treated by the Fire Department.
In a post on Instagram, Deolane Bezerra published a statement that she called an “open letter” to her more than 20 million followers. In the statement, she reassures her fans and reinforces that she is suffering an “injustice”.
A representative from the OAB is monitoring the progress of the influencer’s detention and testimony to guarantee the rights of those in custody. “She is calm, there is nothing serious here,” said Romão Ulisses, a lawyer for the Prerogatives Committee of the Brazilian Bar Association in Pernambuco (OAB-PE).
Deolane Bezerra and Solange Alves were sent to the Forensic Medical Institute (IML) in Recife, and are now being held in the capital of Pernambuco, in the Recife Women’s Penal Colony.
According to Brazilian law, all detained people must undergo a custody hearing within 24 hours of their arrest, which is expected to take place this Thursday (5).
This content was originally published in What we know about the action against gambling that arrested Deolane and seized Gusttavo Lima’s company plane on the CNN Brasil website.
Source: CNN Brasil
I’m James Harper, a highly experienced and accomplished news writer for World Stock Market. I have been writing in the Politics section of the website for over five years, providing readers with up-to-date and insightful information about current events in politics. My work is widely read and respected by many industry professionals as well as laymen.