WhatsApp, be careful of the message “Hi, can I speak to her for a moment?”: It’s a scam!

The apps offer infinite opportunities but also hide numerous dangers: From computer scams to identity thefts, there are many activities that exploit the trust of the victims to subtract personal data and money or involve them in poorly lawful operations. In this regard, just in these days one has returned to the limelight Scam on WhatsApp already known in the past. Numerous users of the messaging app have reported that they had received a message from an unknown number containing the text “Hi, can I speak to her for a moment?»: A request, which appears harmless and friendly, but which actually hides a threat not to be underestimated.

The scam on WhatsApp, that’s what it is

It is undoubtedly an illegal activity that takes the name of “Money Muling»In which a person called” mule “unconsciously transfers money on behalf of illegal organizations: often, in fact, the victims are recruited through ads deceitful, e-mail or messages received street chat And they are induced to believe they carry out legal work while, in reality, they take part in fraud and real computer crimes.

The method adopted consists in starting a friendly conversation with the victim in which they are illustrated Solutions to earn small sums of money By carrying out simple online activities such as adding comments and likes to photos on Instagram or videos on YouTube. During the initial phase, the unfortunate could actually receive small payments, often sent by other victims rather than directly from the attackers: this phase is useful for create a sense of trust in the victim which is subsequently dragged into the real fraud. At this point, scammers begin to request money sums by promising greater profits, however The expected earnings are never paid but justified by alleged errors or technical inconveniences.

How to defend yourself from the scam on WhatsApp

Unfortunately there is no definitive method to avoid being involved in these activities, however the most effective strategy is ignore any request from strangers. So if you receive a message from an unknown number, especially with an international prefix, in which you are asked to start a conversation, Don’t answer and, if necessary, proceed to block the contact. Also, always remember to Do not share your personal or bank data since this could export you to very important risks.

Source: Vanity Fair

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