American election: Donald Trump’s too much blunder?

By unilaterally deciding to interrupt negotiations for an economic stimulus plan, the American president is giving the Democrats a gift and making a big electoral mistake.

Wanting to be imperial, the staging of Donald Trump’s return by helicopter to the White House after his hospital stay was immediately marred by the president’s first tweets. The announcement of the suspension of negotiations – which had restarted barely a week ago – for a new stimulus plan surprised more than one, including in his own camp.

With a short message, the President took responsibility for the failure of the discussions – the Democrats did not expect so much – which could have relieved businesses, local communities and households still grappling with the economic difficulties caused by the pandemic. Worse, the decision was justified with a certain amount of harshness and pragmatism. In his view, only the appointment of the next Supreme Court judge justifies the efforts of Republicans in Congress.

While the Republican Party establishment has been cynical enough to point out that this is a good move for the taxpayer and avoids refinancing mismanaged blue states (understand Democrats), much of the Republican voter base doesn’t is not dogmatic enough to accept that one handicaps the improvement of his material circumstances to prefer the appointment of a conservative judge . It is an electoral error. And she is big. Already, polls show how much the older electorate is distancing itself from the Republican candidate.

Disappointment in financial circles

The financial markets didn’t like it either: most indices were down after the tweet, released as Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell said the recovery would be longer than expected, and that a little extra help wouldn’t hurt.

It was all badly played: the Democrats derive an immediate gain since Donald Trump shows that he prefers to do nothing to support the American economy. However, he could have accused Nancy Pelosi, the Democratic House leader, who negotiates directly with Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, of dragging out positions not so far apart (1.5 trillion for Republicans, 2.200 billion for Democrats) . Instead, he gives him the chance to get an even more generous stimulus package after the presidential election if Joe Biden wins.

Seizing his blunder – in a White House emptied of its executives (133 are infected with Covid-19) – Donald Trump now says he is ready to sign new checks for $ 1,200 per taxpayer … but it is obviously Nancy’s turn Pelosi to consent. He also wants to support the airline industry and small businesses. Except that there is nothing to expect from Congress: the latter has decided to afford two weeks of vacation. More than 40 senators are affected by the coronavirus.

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