“Light hands”: supermarket in Rio exposes sequence of thefts on social media

A supermarket in Rio de Janeiro, decided to publicize people who were caught stealing products. The decision comes after a series of thefts at the establishment.

With two units in Rio, the unit located in the Méier neighborhood decided to expose people who are caught taking something – popularly called “light hands” – without paying. The almost “didactic” approach, in fact, describes the crime of qualified theft.

On social media, the establishment released a sequence of “stories” on Instagram highlighting the reasons for the decision and publicizing the actions of those “distracted”.

In an ironic tone, the supermarket talks about “forgetfulness” when referring to the incidents. From chocolates to energy drinks, products are stolen by customers and “strangers”, says the supermarket. See the images.

What the supermarket says

THE CNN sought out the supermarket that took a stance on the sequence of thefts, which according to a representative, happens daily throughout the region.

“Every day we traders are robbed and our hands are tied,” he said.

In the view of those who take losses, the inefficiency of law enforcement and collective disobedience brings a feeling of impotence to traders.

“We have no peace. (…) Every day a different theft. And the laws don’t help at all”, they reinforce.

Loss data

The Abrappe Loss Survey in Brazilian Retail revealed an increase in losses in the sector in 2022. The average loss rate jumped from 1.21% in 2021 to 1.48% the following year.

This growth represents a total loss of R$31.7 billion for Brazilian retail in 2022. A significant amount that is equivalent to the revenue of large companies in various segments.

This content was originally published in “Mãos-leves”: supermarket in Rio exposes sequence of thefts on social media on the CNN Brasil website.

Source: CNN Brasil

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