Naiara Azevedo on reporting domestic violence: “In the mind every day”

The singer Naiara Azevedo 35, spoke about the domestic violence you suffered while you were married with his manager, Raphael Alves Cabral. According to the singer’s statement, even after separating, the consequences of the attacks continue in your life .

“What makes us stay in these abusive relationships for so long is the discreditability of society […] because only we know what we go through at home and how much of a person the aggressors are at home for us, and how they appear outside to people”, said the artist.

In an interview during the program Encontro com Patrícia Poeta, on TV Globo, this Monday (25), which celebrated the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, Naiara commented that she had doubts about whether she provoked her ex-husband’s anger .

“I realized that violence begins psychologically, before the first slap, before the first push, before the first physical aggression, there is always psychological and verbal aggression. […] It’s something that echoes in our minds every day, no matter how many years pass, when it ends, you have a scar, it’s something that’s a trigger,” said the artist.

And he continued saying that with “psychological aggression we keep asking ourselves. But wait, what did I do? Where did I go wrong? Did I provoke this anger? Did I provoke him to the point that he wanted to attack me both with words and physically?”, vented the voice of the hit song “50 reais”.

The singer commented that, even though she denounced the violence suffered during her years of marriage, she was concerned about her ex-husband’s image and reported having suffered what she called “brainwashed” to always put her family first.

Naiara Azevedo reported to the Goiás police, in November 2023, the threats and attacks made by Raphael Alves Cabral and obtained a protective measure.

“I kept all of this for many years. I didn’t want to leave a negative image of my ex-husband, but there comes a time when it’s no longer possible”, she said during an interview at the time.

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*With information from Ana Beatriz Dias, from CNN

This content was originally published in Naiara Azevedo about reporting domestic violence: “In the mind every day” on the CNN Brasil website.

Source: CNN Brasil

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