N. Iliopoulos: Does the government and the ND accept the Tsipras proposal to the ADAE?

N. Iliopoulos: Does the government and the ND accept the Tsipras proposal to the ADAE? N. Iliopoulos: Does the government and the ND accept the Tsipras proposal to the ADAE?

The press representative of SYRIZA-PS, Nasos Iliopoulos, accuses the government representative of “aerology” regarding the request of Al. Tsipras to the AIAEA to investigate any other surveillance of political figures. “We would expect Mr. Economou to answer clearly whether he is in favor or against the initiative of Mr. Tsipras, who asked the Anti-Corruption Commission […]

A. Tsipras: The Anti-Corruption Commission should immediately investigate whether and how many more MPs and MEPs are being monitored

A. Tsipras: The Anti-Corruption Commission should immediately investigate whether and how many more MPs and MEPs are being monitored A. Tsipras: The Anti-Corruption Commission should immediately investigate whether and how many more MPs and MEPs are being monitored

After the meeting with the board of the independent authority, the president of SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance, Alexis Tsipras, made the following statement: “I visited today the president of the independent authority that has the responsibility to control the observance of the constitutional good which is the absolute inviolability of communications. As well as to control the […]

Elefsina Shipyard Consolidation Law: Amendment tabled by SYRIZA

Elefsina Shipyard Consolidation Law: Amendment tabled by SYRIZA Elefsina Shipyard Consolidation Law: Amendment tabled by SYRIZA

An amendment to ensure the beneficial use for the State of the authorization granted to the Minister of Development and Investments for the agreement on the consolidation of the Elefsina Shipyards was submitted by SYRIZA to the bill being discussed in the Plenary. The amendment envisages informing the Standing Committee on Production and Trade of […]

SYRIZA: Continues the hard rock for wiretapping – A. Tsipras visit to ADAE

SYRIZA: Continues the hard rock for wiretapping – A. Tsipras visit to ADAE SYRIZA: Continues the hard rock for wiretapping – A. Tsipras visit to ADAE

By Niki Zorba They do not intend to leave the issue of monitoring SYRIZA on the bench, although they are simultaneously preparing for the visit of Alexis Tsipras to TIF with an eye on the program he will present in Vellideio on September 17. Accuracy and the energy crisis are under the microscope of Koumoundourou, […]

Elefsina Shipyards: The bill was passed by a majority

Elefsina Shipyards: The bill was passed by a majority Elefsina Shipyards: The bill was passed by a majority

With the positive vote of the ND, the draft law of the Ministry of Development and Investments on the “Sanitation of the Elefsina Shipyards and other provisions of a developmental nature” was passed in its second reading in the Production and Trade Committee and will be introduced tomorrow in the Plenary for discussion and voting. […]

N. Mitarakis: To the public prosecutor the details of the Evros case

N. Mitarakis: To the public prosecutor the details of the Evros case N. Mitarakis: To the public prosecutor the details of the Evros case

A faction of the SYRIZA Progressive Alliance held a meeting today with the new commander of the EYP, after the reports according to which some high-ranking members of the National Intelligence Service have given orders to destroy material related to the well-known issue of wiretapping. The echelon consisted of the deputy of Arta and Secretary […]

E. Ahtsioglou: Mr. Mitsotakis, in addition to being an otakusti, is also an adventurer

E. Ahtsioglou: Mr. Mitsotakis, in addition to being an otakusti, is also an adventurer E. Ahtsioglou: Mr. Mitsotakis, in addition to being an otakusti, is also an adventurer

“The prime minister does not take responsibility for the big surveillance scandal because if he did, he would have to resign,” said the finance department head of SYRIZA-PS, Efi Ahtsioglou to “Real fm 97.8”. “Nobody can believe the excuses Mr. Mitsotakis spews” and which “are a permanent downfall in democratic functioning,” he added. Mrs. Ahtsioglou […]

SYRIZA sources: ND MPs are starting to pressure K. Mitsotakis

SYRIZA sources: ND MPs are starting to pressure K. Mitsotakis SYRIZA: Continues the hard rock for wiretapping – A. Tsipras visit to ADAE

“One by one, the ND MPs start talking and make Mr. Mitsotakis’ guilt for the surveillance scandal not to be hidden with anything,” SYRIZA sources claim, citing blue-collar MPs. According to the same sources: “After Mr. Roussopoulos stated that there are unanswered questions, Mr. Kaklamanis stated that he is positive to change the amendment on […]

SYRIZA: The Mitsotakis sub-state continues to injure the Republic’

SYRIZA: The Mitsotakis sub-state continues to injure the Republic’ SYRIZA: The Mitsotakis sub-state continues to injure the Republic’

“The Mitsotakis sub-state has injured and continues to injure the Republic”, states the SYRIZA PS in a statement on the occasion of the front-page publication of the Editors’ Newspaper which speaks of “a cover-up” of the wiretapping scandal by the Mitsotakis sub-state. In particular, SYRIZA states that “according to the publication, high-ranking officials of the […]

SYRIZA: The government insists on the provision that prohibits the possibility of informing what the EYP watched

SYRIZA: The government insists on the provision that prohibits the possibility of informing what the EYP watched SYRIZA: The government insists on the provision that prohibits the possibility of informing what the EYP watched

The key question of whether the government intends to abolish the provision it passed last March, which prohibited the subsequent information of those monitored by the EYP, retroactively in fact, was once again raised by the Minister of Justice, Member of Parliament for Drama and head of the Justice Department of SYRIZA-PS , T. Xanthopoulos. […]